Thursday, May 13, 2010

A response to an angry letter

Dear Benjamin, 
I think your last blog post sounded a bit harsh. I think you should delete it. I think that overtime you will regret having an angry rant representing you on the internet. 
Were you right? 
Who cares?
As you have said before on this very blog, correctness does not give anyone the right to treat others with disrespect. For someone who preaches about the powerful grace of God, you were not very gracious yesterday. 
You should feel very lucky that all those who commented on the blog appreciated the message hidden beneath an anger that comes from being hurt by the Christian version of a Pharisee (someone who values religion and regulations over relationship). 
Never forget that Jesus ate with sinners and Pharisees. He talked and laughed with both. He loved both. 
After reading your angry letter (in which I did not see much grace and peace), I kept thinking, “Man, he’s better than that.” 
Not because you are inherently good, but because you serve a God who is better than that. You represent the God who sacrificed himself for everyone. 
I know all too well how you have been hurt by legalistic Chrisitianity, but you have to decide to let that hurt and anger go. You have to decide to forgive. Do not confuse foolishness and anger for fire and passion. 
Forgive and let it go because that is what Jesus did for you. He deserves better from you. 
Grace and Peace, 


  1. Yes, Benjamin, very thoughtful and introspective. I appreciate you being so open to God's direction.

  2. benjamin, really enjoy the person God has made in you,

  3. This. This is Jesus-y. Thanks for your humility and openness to the Spirit.

  4. If only we could perfect....I know God forgives us when we repent.....even when we've been angry, self-righteous, rude, critical of others...
    As usual, you put a Christ-like perspective on this. Still, I think we shouldn't worry about casual dress for worship. Pam
