Thursday, May 13, 2010

A response to an angry letter

Dear Benjamin, 
I think your last blog post sounded a bit harsh. I think you should delete it. I think that overtime you will regret having an angry rant representing you on the internet. 
Were you right? 
Who cares?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Would You Yell At My Daughter?

As she was getting her diaper changed, my oldest daughter (19 months) heard a lawnmower outside. She listened very intently for about ten seconds and said, “A Plane!”

I smiled and said, “You are sooo stupid!! When’s the last time you saw an airplane cutting grass. SHEESH! IDIOT!!” (Dear cps agent, I didn’t actually say this)

I actually said, “That’s right, a plane!”

Was she right? No.

Was her rightness important? Not at all.

I once heard an angry preacher preach an angry sermon that made me think he would yell at my daughter.